Operation Python Dance Started With Shooting of Unar

Operation Python Dance Started With Shooting  of Unarmed IPOB Members.

Before I proceed to the shooting of unarmed IPOB members on 10/9/17, first let me point out an omission by commission, by the Nigerian army as their reasons for Operation Python Dance 2. “As you are all aware, the Nigerian Army is constantly carrying out training activities for its personnel in line with its constitutional role in aid of civil authority. More so, Exercise EGWU EKE II has become more expedient due to the mindless assassinations (even in religious places), attack on security personnel, theft of weapons, armed banditry, kidnapping, cultism and violent agitations, as well as other security challenges that have recently become prevalent in the South Eastern part of the country”. The following questions need to be addressed by the Nigerian army. Why will the Nigerian army not specifically mention the attacks by Fulani herdsmen as part of their reasons? What do they mean by other security challenges? As a fighting force, their mandate must be clear and explicitly stated. There is no room for vague statement? Does the South East Governors/Ohanaeze/stakeholders aware or approve of this military operation?

The reasons given by the Nigerian army for their “Operation Python Dance 2” are also prevalent at other regions of the country. Therefore, to achieve a balance and to protect the lives of all Nigerians, similar army operations should be launched at other parts of the country simultaneously or sequentially, especially with the attacks by Fulani herdsmen. We also need evidence to suggest that the police force (including the mobile police personnel) are incapable to handle the situation at the South East etc.

The security situation at the South East has not broken down beyond the police. Moreover, mobile police can be deployed. That’s their constitutional role. Army is meant to fight against external aggressions. This operation will end up extorting money from already impoverished South East indigenes. I consider this as an army of occupation, short and simple.

Shooting unarmed IPOB members.

I watched the video of army shooting of unarmed IPOB members. I have also read their press release after the shooting. Their press release contradicts the video clip which showed that some IPOB members were shot and wounded by the Nigerian army. Thank goodness for smart phones and social media. Information cannot be micro managed by the authorities anymore. There is no doubt that the Nigerian army has started this “Operation python Dance 2” with these shootings.

IPOB members have right to freedom of association. The Nigeria army of occupation has violated their rights by force. They also have right to self determination. Those responsible for these shootings must be punished by Nigerian authorities. Justice must not only be done to them, but must be seen to have been done.


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