Interview with Dodiyi Douglas Manuel.

0 thoughts on “Interview with Dodiyi Douglas Manuel.

  1. The situation in Nigeria is overwhelming. Politicans have been at the centre of it all. Politics has become the easiest avenue to accumulate wealth. Apart from this interview, l have listen to observe Douglas for some time now. I can recognize destiny when l see one. His passion to bring about change in Nigeria politics is so genuine that you cant help but admire this young man. My prayer is that the Nigeria electorate are ready for the change that have eluded us for too long. When Douglas called me to say he had completed his degree in law, tears filled my eyes as l thanked God for His faithfulness. I knew the time was now. If l have the opportunity to mount a podium in Douglas' campaign trail, my message will be simple and precise..
    "lf you can see what l have seen and know what l know, you will like this young man". May God's will prevail.

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